Gratitude Thread

This is a thread that I have done on other various boards that I am a member of. It helps me remember the good things when they can be easily forgotten and seems to work well. Thought I would start it here too. I have a lot to be thankful for in my life and especially at this moment in time.
Tomorrow, my family will move in to our new home, a dream home in my wife's and my vision. It will be the home we live in for the rest of our lives, the home my children will grow up in....For this I am grateful and in the spirit of this board, I would like to share something special from my humi. The first person (wish I could do more) that wants to take me up on this offer, reply to my message here and PM me details. I do not care if it's your 1st post or your 1000th post, there are no strings attached and nothing expected or wanted in return. The only thing I ask is a little patience in getting it out I will be extremely busy the rest of this week.
I would love to hear what others are grateful for in their lives if you care to share.....
I think this is an awesome idea. Congratulations on your new home. I know my brother and sister just bought their dream home as well, so I've been able to join in on their happiness and excitement. As for myself.. well, things have been pretty down on the luck lately, and it just keeps piling on. I do find my moments of happiness, however, and I am thankful for those.
**I am thankful for this new passion I've found, and I am thankful for all the friends it has led me to.
**I am thankful for my family, and the fact that, despite mAny shortcomings we still stay close.
**I am thankful to be alive, though sometimes lately it sucks...
**I am thankful....that DiamondDog sounds like he's handing out something nice and I'm gonna PM him for it! ;-)
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
I am also thankful for doing something in my life that I love... sometimes I think that I would like to retire on an island and be super rich, yet most people have to work their ass off and alienate themselves to do so... I make very decent money now and love what I'm doing, it's a passion... I am grateful for my job.
Lastly (for now) I'm grateful for my life... The way I grew up, the hardships I've had to endure, the loss of my Father, the joy of my GodDaughter growing up... I'm grateful for being alive and that everything happens for a reason, the big guy upstairs hasn't let me down yet!
Ahhhh... this feels great!!!
I'm grateful for a great the moment I'm most grateful I have a happy and healthy and extremely cute 2-month-old who is just discovering how funny I am and giggling at me every night.
Great thread.
Thanks to you all, I'm grateful to be a part of this community!
I am also very thankful for all our military who put themselves in harms way for us. I'm thankful that my son is in his third month of deployment and so far, so good.
And lastly, but certainly not leastly (is that a word?), I'm thankful for my BOTL's and how much I've learned from this group.