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Liga Privada Feral Flying Pig

Hello Friends,
Have just a few to trade 1 for 1. Anyone interested? I am interested in anything new to me. Thanks in advance for reading my post. Lets share.
sincerely, Jeff Snapp


  • blutattooblutattoo Posts: 1,294 ✭✭✭
    Welcome to the forum. Generally people will be reluctant to trade with someone after their first post. If you hang out for awhile try the newbie trading thread and look for someone to sponsor you. I bumped the thread so it should be on the first page now.
  • Thanks for the bump blutattoo,
    I understand the newbie stuff, no problem here, I'll send mine 1st. Just tring to enjoy the hobby and share. Hope to talk again anyway.
    sincerely,Jeff Snapp
  • FireRobFireRob Posts: 1,890 ✭✭✭
    Hey Jeff! Welcome to the forum. If you haven't had any takers yet I'll be happy to sponsor you. Been wanting to try the pig. I'll be sending you a PM. Look over at my bio and let me know if you see anything in there you like or want to try. I got some other stuff I'll pm you that might not be in my bio. Another hint, update your bio with likes, dislikes and want to try's
  • twistedstemtwistedstem Posts: 3,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    how many you interested in doing?
    no matter where you go, there you are.

  • Only have 6 to part with.
  • Anything Fuente but Best Sellers. Love them but receive monthly. I also don't need the acid's. Thanks for response.
  • twistedstemtwistedstem Posts: 3,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    pm sent
    no matter where you go, there you are.

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