One year ago yesterday...

Americans woke up to discover ...
Oh hell. Never mind. I don't even want to get into it. I would have rather awakened to a homosexual rapist in my bedroom.
Oh hell. Never mind. I don't even want to get into it. I would have rather awakened to a homosexual rapist in my bedroom.
"Long ashes my friends."
election day last year. the dawn of the death of America
could someone explain
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
but seriously, i didnt like the war (though its about more than profit), the insurance thing we covered in a different thread.... same with US jobs going over seas (its because our corporate tax rate is the second highest in the world. seriously i wouldnt wanna make cars here either when i can do it at half the tax rate somewhere else)
but it will make sure that people in other countries will lose jobs...
NY Post btw...
"Long ashes my friends."
You know. There was a time when I used to be a republican. One of the things that really drove me away from the party was the over-use of particular words. Back during the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom I remember "unpatriotic" was the word of choice. Anyone who didn't agree with the war in Iraq was just "unpatriotic!" I thought that was so hilarious cause I was against the war, but I was also serving honorably aboard the USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75), the aircraft carrier that started and finished the major arial campaign in Iraq, the carrier that dropped more payload than any other carrier air group during the entire war, and the carrier who flew the most sorties than any other group because we were making up for the Roosevelt who constantly had two down catapults. But yet, I was unpatriotic because I didn't favor the war!
Today, its the same thing. Anyone who supports the current president, anyone who believes in healthcare reform, anyone who disagrees with the Republican Party are all "Communists" "Fascist" "Marxist." I wonder when they'll learn to stop stereotyping people.
I'm not gonna argue either side of this political fence, but I'm interested to see what the next "Republican Word of the Day" is gonna be.
"Long ashes my friends."
i do understand what you are saying. I never thought that when Iraqi freedom was starting, the people opposing the war were unpatriotic. i had a tendency to agree with Hillary Clinton when she said:
"I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration, somehow youre not patriotic, and we should stand up and say, WE ARE AMERICANS AND WE HAVE A RIGHT TO DEBATE AND DISAGREE WITH ANY ADMINISTRATION!
in fact, disagreement with the administration, especially on that matter, was VERY patriotic. Debate is what this country is all about.
fast forward to today
i can see how you make the connection that it is a "republican word of the day"
the word "Fascist" or "communist" is used quite often. to get a picture of why we should take a closer look at the words.
according to Fascism is a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc.
though all of those qualities do not fit the Obama administration, many of them do. mainlhe regimenting of industry and commerce.
Fascism still lets people own property and businesses, but will regulate them at will. this is what happened to the banking industry. this is what is happening to the medical industry. People will still own banks, and run doctor's offices, but they will be regulated by the government on every level.
Communism a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.
this is what is happening to the auto industry. the government bought that with tax payers money and said "we all own GM now"
so though republicans do have a tendency to throw out "words of the day" these may actually have some merit.
personally, i dont think the Obama administration is Communist or Fascist, but it does show tendencies towards those systems of government in many ways. that is why i use those words.
or homophobic, or immoral, etc...
this only goes to show that "word of the day" goes both ways here. it does not explain the thinking behind the Fascist and communist comments.
And I wasn't trying to personally throw you, Kuzi, under the bus on this one. My comments are directed at the use of the word and not a personal attack on you. It's just I hear it and I hear it and I hear it, and it just gets old after a while. And I do understand that while many of the policies set in place right now have communist qualities to them, it does not mean that you're entire country is going to flip upside down from a Republic to Communism. And have you ever thought for just a moment that some of these things that you call communist may be neccessary because our founding fathers never invisioned that our republic would dissentigrate the way it has, that there are pressing issues in todays America that they could not forsee 200 years ago? Or maybe they did, which is why they gave us the power to change anything we see fit.
Krieg, as for not agreeing with the President and you're a racist, it's not even close to being the same argument. Whoever would say that to you is an idiot! I know plenty of black people who don't like what Obama is doing. Does that make them racist? I'd tell these people to shut the f*ck up!
none of this is in the constitution. this government wasnt created to fix our problems. it was created to give us the freedom to fix our own problems.
Congress seems to want to cure every ill known to man except unconstitutional government and high taxes.
i disagree. it is exactly the same argument. anyone that would say that liberals are unpatriotic is an idiot, much like anyone that would say you are racist if you disagree with him is an idiot as well. however it is the "Democrat word of the month" ... making it the same argument.
edit... I thought of more...
i think both of these examples were attempts by each party to discredit the other via name calling. the republicans wanted to avoid the issues so they called those protesting the president unpatriotic. the democrats wanted to avoid the issues so they called those protesting the president racist.
neither of these cases solved anything. it just pissed off people who have a right to speak their mind and appose an administration based on political differences.
Better yet, ask a dr. from Canada and hear what he says. John Stossel made some very strong points here.