I just found out...

I'm currently sitting the E.R. Awaiting insulin as I've just found out I may have diabetes (more tests to follow). Apparently I was pretty close to bring in big trouble, more to come, doc's here now.
your insurance is about to drop you.
in all seriousness though, im rootin for you. take care of yourself. you're in our thoughts and prayers.
Kuzi, that was uncalled for, IMO. I know you will say you were only joking and I should lighten up, but it is these comments in places like this that fan the flames. Please at least contain your political "debate" comments in the proper threads. Not everybody wants to be pulled into the $hit slingging.
Everyone from the Medical Insurance debate needs to take an hour or two and go enjoy a good cigar. Then maybe we can all come together later for some civil chat.
Listen to your doctors and you'll be OK!
I do know it is more annoying than anything telling 5 different people the same thing while in a hospital. Good luck.
Though no type of diabetes is a picnic, at least you have the lesser of the two evils. Type 2 diabetes is easier to handle and control than type 1, be glad for that!! It's good to hear you'll be ok!
Cabi, I got diagnosed with type 2 around three years ago, had it pretty bad A1c was nearly 10!!!, got educated on nutrion, dropped some weigth and was off the meds in six months, I found with lil discipline it is not that tough to manage....