Ft. Hood

I really am surprised it took this long. Usually after a tragedy involving a firearm, the anti-gun nuts are quicker on the trigger. Stepping up to the moonbat microphone in the aftermath of the Ft. Hood shooting we have Chicago's Thug Mayor, Richard Daley. Daley opines that this happened because of America's love of guns! He says, "Unfortunately, America loves Guns. We love guns to a point where that uh we see devastation on a daily basis. You don't blame a group."
Americans don't love guns, you fool. Americans love freedom; and American's cherish their right to own and to use firearms, if necessary, to defend those freedoms. This truth is so basic that even Daley should understand it: Guns don't kill people, people kill people. There's another little saying that I like more. "If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns." Actually, that's not quite correct. Only the government and the criminals will have guns. And another little reminder: Blaming guns is the easy way out.
If you blame guns for violence in the inner city, you don't have to address the black culture of violence. If you blame guns for Ft. Hood, you don't have to address the Islamic culture of violence. You focus on objects, not people, and objects don't vote. You're safe in your demagoguery.
Americans don't love guns, you fool. Americans love freedom; and American's cherish their right to own and to use firearms, if necessary, to defend those freedoms. This truth is so basic that even Daley should understand it: Guns don't kill people, people kill people. There's another little saying that I like more. "If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns." Actually, that's not quite correct. Only the government and the criminals will have guns. And another little reminder: Blaming guns is the easy way out.
If you blame guns for violence in the inner city, you don't have to address the black culture of violence. If you blame guns for Ft. Hood, you don't have to address the Islamic culture of violence. You focus on objects, not people, and objects don't vote. You're safe in your demagoguery.
"Long ashes my friends."
"Long ashes my friends."
"Sir the privates rifle's name is Charlene Sir"
objects are not good or evil. only how you use them make good or evil.
if I bash someones head in with a rock, the rock is not any more or less evil than if it was a decoration in my garden.
If someone uses a gun to kill a few people on a military base the gun is not any more evil than if it is used to hunt for food or shoot clay targets or protect your own home from invasion.
I do love freedom, and to protect that freedom, i own a gun.
"Long ashes my friends."
there is at least a bit of evidence that he was just a nut job. Hasan spent six years as a psychiatrist at Walter Reed, beginning in 2003, and he had a fellowship at USUHS until shortly before he went to Fort Hood in the summer of 2009. Both fellow students and faculty were deeply troubled by Hasan's behavior which they variously called disconnected, aloof, paranoid, belligerent, and schizoid.
keep in mind that i have had very little time to follow this story. so ... yeah... i may be a bit off here.
i am all for an aggressive pursuit of the truth.
"Long ashes my friends."