Men of Company D

Here lately I've been trying to learn everything I can about what my grandad experienced in the Great War. He passed away a few years ago. I was given his plaque and shadow box of medals he earned while serving.
All I was told as a kid was that he landed on the beaches of Normandy on day after Dday, received a Purple Heart, and nearly had his legs amputated due them being frost bitten in Belgium.
Anyways, I came across this website last night. Men of Company D This website was created by the son of a man that served. It is the same infantry and division my grandad was in. I was stoked. There is some cool old photos on there and a good synopsis of what my grandad went through. I have reached out to the owner of the site to possibly try to learn some more. What these men saw and endured is beyond my comprehension.
I just wanted to share as I'm trying to learn more. Did any of your dads or grandads serve? If so, would you mind sharing some of their stories?
All I was told as a kid was that he landed on the beaches of Normandy on day after Dday, received a Purple Heart, and nearly had his legs amputated due them being frost bitten in Belgium.
Anyways, I came across this website last night. Men of Company D This website was created by the son of a man that served. It is the same infantry and division my grandad was in. I was stoked. There is some cool old photos on there and a good synopsis of what my grandad went through. I have reached out to the owner of the site to possibly try to learn some more. What these men saw and endured is beyond my comprehension.
I just wanted to share as I'm trying to learn more. Did any of your dads or grandads serve? If so, would you mind sharing some of their stories?
My Grandfather was called into in the British Royal Army, He lived on the island of Malta, was a Professor at a local college. His Job in the war was an anti-aircraft Gunner on the ground, and they were responsible for downing German aircraft and thwarting on an invasion on Malta!!
My dad was Army signal corps in WW2, part of the island hopping campaign to Japan. Didn't talk much about it. My grandfather was graves registration in WW1 and never talked about it.
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.
My dad doesnt talk about him much.