March Madness Beard Email splitsies

Risking the Wrath of Rain, I'm posting this here, I also posted in the splitsies thread. There are 3 options. If no one else wants to split I'm definitely buying #2. I'd love to split #3, but would consider splitting #2 if the stakes for #3 are too high. Let's deal...
Also, in a few minutes I've got to go radio silent for about an hour and a half while I give a briefing to some gents. See ya...
would be interested in a 5-er of each if you go for #2 or #3.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
Yet again I went and opened my big mouth and a few weeks go by & finally comes back to get me.
Walt is a sneaky S.O.B. I'll tell ya!!!!
Between work, traveling, house projects, events, etc --- I've been (more) scatter-brained (than usual) these past couple weeks and just can't keep it all straight; if I don't have it written down on the calendar or my list I'm going to forget about it (and no, not one of those stupid lists like the Irishman started, I'm talking about a to-do list)
Get home yesterday to find a SFRB on the front porch....hmm that's odd. I see the return addy "Walt Basil"....and think what's this about....
Crack open the package and see these beautiful smokes, hot damn!!!
Had to rack my brain for a few minutes then it dawned on me....
This thread
Now I send Walt a PM and say what do I owe ya and he says "it's on me". Now, I was planning on doing this "split" the right way and sending some $ to cover my end but Walt says no, he's just gonna bomb me 6 ways to Sunday you are a sneaky, albeit top notch BOTL; Thank you Walt!!!!!!
Very cool and heck of a surprise!
Love the PA's & excited to try the Bulls.
But just know, since you won't let me repay you for this, you're now on my list .... and yes, it's that kind of list ;-)
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White