
So.... here's the scenario:
Last week the girlfriend and myself went to the Humane Society and looked at dogs/puppies...
We saw two we liked and went back three hours later and went into a kennel and saw a Pointer Mix dog...
Well this cute pup fell asleep in my arms and I knew I was hooked, but I need to sleep on all major decisions.
The next morning we were actually driving to the Humane Society to get the dog and I called the "Landlord" out of respect (the lower tenants have had dogs before, I knew they were legit) but when I called HE flipped out and say "Absolutely no dogs" and was rude about it...
Long story short he's a Douche and we're moving out in march now...
For apartment/duplex dwelling what are some of the best breeds out there??? We wanted a HOUND breed for it howled and didn't bark (neighbors) and for it isn't the MOST active dog but still fun to have around!
What are YOUR experiences?
Last week the girlfriend and myself went to the Humane Society and looked at dogs/puppies...
We saw two we liked and went back three hours later and went into a kennel and saw a Pointer Mix dog...
Well this cute pup fell asleep in my arms and I knew I was hooked, but I need to sleep on all major decisions.
The next morning we were actually driving to the Humane Society to get the dog and I called the "Landlord" out of respect (the lower tenants have had dogs before, I knew they were legit) but when I called HE flipped out and say "Absolutely no dogs" and was rude about it...
Long story short he's a Douche and we're moving out in march now...
For apartment/duplex dwelling what are some of the best breeds out there??? We wanted a HOUND breed for it howled and didn't bark (neighbors) and for it isn't the MOST active dog but still fun to have around!
What are YOUR experiences?
I've had very nice, clean, professional, well mannered etc. renters with dogs. But when it's time for me to clean up after they leave, it's always more work for me.
I did ok another one the other day as the carpets are older in this particular place...still charged a higher damage deposit.
As far as apartment dogs go, I've actually heard Dobermans make awesome apartment dogs because they have energy, but aren't hyper dogs. There are some people that have one in my apt complex that is a big baby. Great Danes are HUGE, but are low energy dogs that are supposed to be great indoors. Personally, I'm glad we went with the Border Collie becaue they are high energy dogs, but very smart and easy to train. They need attention and exercise, but are great family dogs. If we didn't have such a little kid at home I might have gone with a Doberman or German Shepherd.
The Springer Spaniel was 10 when I got him and he's about to be 13 so he's just old and chill and its hard to tell how he would have done as a pup in the townhouse. But he was my Mom's dog so I've been around him since he was 9 weeks old and he was 100 miles an hour back then. However, if kids are a possibility this is a breed you need to steer far away from as later in life they have severe possesive aggression problems.
I love both my dogs but my pointer is more like a friend. She's easily the smartest dog I've ever been around and she has done great through countless moves and my crazy schedules. Just my opinion.