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Fly in your soup.

Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
How freaked out are you by foreign objects/organisms you find in your food?

Earlier tonight, I grabbed a drive through burger combo, took it on home, ate it, (burp) and I was just about to add some coke from a can into my take out cup and there was a big ol' dead gnat floating on top. Didn't bother me much. I dumped what little was left of the drink. I meant to get a new cup out of my cabinet but, after I got more ice and poured the coke in I realized I had forgot, and re-used the fast food cup. Well,............I decided to go ahead and drink out of the same cup at that point.

So, I thought I'd ask you guys how squeamish you are about stuff like that.

(Interestingly enough, I'm more squeamish over cigars. I would NOT smoke a cigar if I thought it might have beetles or larvae in it.)


  • CrouseferCrousefer Posts: 445 ✭✭
    Honestly I shrug a lot off. Iv eaten moldly chips at one place. Didn't phase me. Now I didnt eat any more and there were only two bad ones in the batch, bit I didn't really react. Now live bugs in my food will induce projectiles. Can't do live ones
  • ExpendableYouthExpendableYouth Posts: 2,106 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I found maggots in my salad at a mexican resturant once. When I brought it to the waitresses attention she said it was organic salad and sometimes it had bugs in it. I didn't eat it but I didn't wretch either.
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Posts: 2,652 ✭✭✭✭
    If it killed the gnat it can't be good for you Bob, lol. Long hairs don't bother me as much as short 'n curly's in my food.
  • raisindotraisindot Posts: 1,294 ✭✭✭
    If it killed the gnat it can't be good for you Bob, lol. Long hairs don't bother me as much as short 'n curly's in my food.

    I would consider that a pubic nuisance.
  • roland_7707roland_7707 Posts: 2,833 ✭✭✭
    I honestly grew up eating strange things. From Boy Scouts to double dares (once ate a moth for a dollar), i dont mind. Extra protien.
    One God, One Truth
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Posts: 2,652 ✭✭✭✭
    If it killed the gnat it can't be good for you Bob, lol. Long hairs don't bother me as much as short 'n curly's in my food.

    I would consider that a pubic nuisance.

    lol, or pubic enemy #1
  • brianetz1brianetz1 Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭
    i don't mind too much. the hair thing freaks out my wife, i just take it off and finish it.

    never really had a insect in my food, but i don't really look at my food so i probably have ate one at some point
  • Dark_RoastDark_Roast Posts: 1,070 ✭✭✭
    The percentage of Yuck I have found to non Yuck is extremely miniscule so it really doesn't bother me when I find it. Of course if I found a finger in my soup that would be different.
  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I once ordered a meal while in Korea at a very fancy restaurant. There were bird beaks and bird feet in it. The worst part was there were birds in it, little tiny birds. My date saw the horror on my face and very gallantly switched bowls with me (of course laughing). I did not ask, nor did I want to know what was in hers. I will say it was absolutely the spiciest meal I ever had. I think I am still scratching my butt to this day from it.
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