JJ Trickery

Got a message from our own king of YouTube videos, Jimmy. Says he received a nice shirt from a purchase of cigars he got and wants to know if I wouldn't mind having it. Of course I instantly think setup, but it's been a while since JJ and have dance. So I say nawwww, he wouldn't. Anyone, I told him I'm not turning down a gift. Sure man, send it right on. He then replies back that the shirt won't come alone. It will have a FEW hitch hackers. Still being gullible, I say to myself. Well he did tell me and that it would be a few. As I'm thinking this, I now know JJ was thinking "SUCKER", lol. Anyway, I came home and opened the box to hear my wife in the background mumbling that I bought more cigars and a freakin shirt. Thanks Jimmmy, no really thanks man. I tried to explain and she wasn't having it. Check it out, wonderful selection from awesome BOTL.
