I should be home the first week of may. You don't want to send stuff to the ship when were on these one month hops, it's a real crap shoot when and if it makes it to me. Strangely last time I was in the northern Arabian I was getting packages in like 6 days...pretty damn quick considering. Internet access has been real screwy too, i'll post more when I get home
I should be home the first week of may. You don't want to send stuff to the ship when were on these one month hops, it's a real crap shoot when and if it makes it to me. Strangely last time I was in the northern Arabian I was getting packages in like 6 days...pretty damn quick considering. Internet access has been real screwy too, i'll post more when I get home
Glad to hear from ya Vinny and hope you are doing well man, stay safe take care and come back soon my friend
"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."