They say there is no alternatives being offered by Republicans which is pure Koolaid drunk Bu!!****. All sorts of other alternatives have been brought forth. The Democraps are drunk on power and there is no other option then theirs period. They do not want to hear alternatives.
They say there is no alternatives being offered by Republicans which is pure Koolaid drunk Bu!!****. All sorts of other alternatives have been brought forth. The Democraps are drunk on power and there is no other option then theirs period. They do not want to hear alternatives.
They say there is no alternatives being offered by Republicans which is pure Koolaid drunk Bu!!****. All sorts of other alternatives have been brought forth. The Democraps are drunk on power and there is no other option then theirs period. They do not want to hear alternatives.
More than 5 words my scaly friend:)
I think it was projected as a 5 word response, but like most government projects went WAY over budget. lol
whats wrong with healthcare the way it is? who says top notch is a right? you work, you have health benefits, its all good. you dont work, you dont have health benefits. if you have a crap job that doesnt have health covererage, you pay for it yourself. if you dont pay for it yourself you dont get coverage. now dont get me wrong, health coverage is expensive, but there are ways to fix that, you dont take a system that has flaws and simply throw it out, thats what you do after it CANNOT be fixed. they havent even tried. obamas focus should be fixing what is wrong, not pushing his own agenda, they WANT to get people used to relying on the government, it gives the government more power and control, this is just another step. I believe obama is well intentioned, but his idea of a good system is government control, this is apparent to me. where government has too much control you end up with socialism or even a dictatorship. mark my words!! it will happen!
A close friend of ours got a job and went to live and work in Scotland where medical care is absolutely free, of course paid for by their 50 % tax rate.
She found a lump on her *** and in five weeks got an appointment with a doctor who said it looked like a problem and she should have a mammogram (sp?). He said there was an opening in FIVE MONTHS.
She moved back to the U.S. and had the test and eventually had to have the lump removed before it spread throughout her body, all before she would have even had the mammogram in Scotland. As a cancer survivor, who's first option did not work out, I was able to see a doctor and get a new course of treatment within two weeks. I have been clear for two years, but still go back for checkups every three months. I am really afraid of losing my insurance.
They say there is no alternatives being offered by Republicans which is pure Koolaid drunk Bu!!****. All sorts of other alternatives have been brought forth. The Democraps are drunk on power and there is no other option then theirs period. They do not want to hear alternatives.
More than 5 words my scaly friend:)
I think it was projected as a 5 word response, but like most government projects went WAY over budget. lol
LMAO you guys never miss a beat. Thanks for making me laugh.
They say there is no alternatives being offered by Republicans which is pure Koolaid drunk Bu!!****. All sorts of other alternatives have been brought forth. The Democraps are drunk on power and there is no other option then theirs period. They do not want to hear alternatives.
More than 5 words my scaly friend:)
I think it was projected as a 5 word response, but like most government projects went WAY over budget. lol
LMAO you guys never miss a beat. Thanks for making me laugh.
Laugh??????Puro and I do not have a sense of humor we are aware of.
Unfortunately, That's what politicians want you to think. They do NOT want to hear your opinion. Which makes calling/emailing your Senator that much more important.
Unfortunately, That's what politicians want you to think. They do NOT want to hear your opinion. Which makes calling/emailing your Senator that much more important.
And's not out of your hands....yet.
Very well said Krieg. I have emailed both of my senators and my representative. I know that they take my emails and simply throw them out the window...I always receive a cookie-cutter response of "looking out for the best interest of American citizens..." which is supposed to lead me to believe that, well then, this healthcare bs is a good thing. Urgh. They don't care what the people want, they will push this thing through the same way they pushed through the ridiculous bail-out bologna.
Unfortunately, That's what politicians want you to think. They do NOT want to hear your opinion. Which makes calling/emailing your Senator that much more important.
And's not out of your hands....yet.
I'm in Commiefornia and didn't vote for BO, hell I got ridiculed for walking by a voter registration booth and telling them I already registered as a Republican. Those wenches that supposedly represent me can shove it, they don't deserve my time because I don't want to sit back and be like every other bleeding heart sheep of a college student out there.
Unfortunately, That's what politicians want you to think. They do NOT want to hear your opinion. Which makes calling/emailing your Senator that much more important.
And's not out of your hands....yet.
Very well said Krieg. I have emailed both of my senators and my representative. I know that they take my emails and simply throw them out the window...I always receive a cookie-cutter response of "looking out for the best interest of American citizens..." which is supposed to lead me to believe that, well then, this healthcare bs is a good thing. Urgh. They don't care what the people want, they will push this thing through the same way they pushed through the ridiculous bail-out bologna.
Is your Senator up for relection in 2010?? sounds like he/she isn't....
She found a lump on her *** and in five weeks got an appointment with a doctor who said it looked like a problem and she should have a mammogram (sp?). He said there was an opening in FIVE MONTHS.
She moved back to the U.S. and had the test and eventually had to have the lump removed before it spread throughout her body, all before she would have even had the mammogram in Scotland. As a cancer survivor, who's first option did not work out, I was able to see a doctor and get a new course of treatment within two weeks. I have been clear for two years, but still go back for checkups every three months. I am really afraid of losing my insurance.
hehe, nice!
And's not out of your hands....yet.
"Long ashes my friends."
(Dutch) nee
(Estonian) Ei
(French) non
(English) no
"Long ashes my friends."