Holy Batbomb Batman....

Sooooo... Yes I am still alive an kicking, just checked my pulse.... Anyways last week I receive a text informing me that "It's not my fault" text for Brad aka "Avengethis" ??? I thought we had an understanding.... Guess NOT. So I inform Brad, that I would not be in town till late Sunday. Figured at that point I should call my once "Dear Sweet Mommy" to please stop and pick up Mail..... Please notice the ONCE... When you send a loved one to pick up a bomb, they are no longer Dear or Sweet... I was informed that I could find others to retrieve the mail from now on....
So I return home to finally retrieve package and on Monday opened to find that it wasn't Brad but his better half Chalupa Batman or worst half.....LOL Thank you for the wonderful and great selection of sticks, this is totally unexpected and I thank you, and yes I know how to deal with this sort of thing.
P.S. I just need to have a one day to release the stress...Perhaps today is the day....
Here is the nice selection, Thank you !!!!
So I return home to finally retrieve package and on Monday opened to find that it wasn't Brad but his better half Chalupa Batman or worst half.....LOL Thank you for the wonderful and great selection of sticks, this is totally unexpected and I thank you, and yes I know how to deal with this sort of thing.
P.S. I just need to have a one day to release the stress...Perhaps today is the day....
Here is the nice selection, Thank you !!!!

Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
Chalupa Batman!! (nicehit!)
Anyone else want it?