Electronic humidifier

in Cigar 101
I just ordered an electric humidifier for a new cabinet, and was wondering if I should replace the sponge stuff that comes in it with beads or gel. Anyone have an electric humidifier that they use beads/gel in, and if so what kind did you use; or did you just leave the sponge stuff in it. It is going in a 5000 count trunk humidor, figured I wouldn't have to upgrade again. Thanks for you input.
I do love my electric Excel, which goes for months with out re-filling in my "Foot Locker" humidor. I have adjusted it to 68RH and it is constant with no fluctuation.
I ask as I inherited an old (1950's per the paperwork in it) lane cedar chest when Grandma passed. Been trying to figure out WTF I am going to do with it (already have another for the linens and such). I am thinking it would be kick *** as a humidor. Hoping you might link me to your build here on CCom (or in a separate thread, or in a PM which of course would be less thread-jackerly).
Oh and hat tip to you humans on the gel swap.
Eventually I swap out all green foam for gel.
Every once in awhile they show up on Cbid. Got mine for way less.
Curtpick sent me an electronic humi-care unit he wasn't using anymore ---- he had already switched out the foam.
Not that gel/beads can't mold --- but they're much less likely to than foam. Foam is just asking for trouble.
This is the type of gel beads that Curtpick installed:
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
Good question. It may just depend on how much cedar smell there is.
I walked into a new shop adjacent to a little convenience store where they just built a little walk in. I swear they used the wrong cedar; my eyes were burning after the first minute or so. Way too strong of a smell.
These could work for lining the old girl:
It's available in bulk, but if you've got an extra jar your not using, why not
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White
Looks like someone got into Todd's Zaya stash.
2015 Gang War - East Coast
Enola Gay - Target #29