firetruckguy is a JERK-

-y making expert. Holy bombsauce dude. This stuff is soooooo good ... and the smokes were an added bonus. I really appreciate it bro.
I was in the middle of making some Stogiestands in my garage when the mailman threw a box at my head. The slight concussion was well worth it. Going back in the garage now to "make something". Check your mailbox in a few days. Thanks again @firetruckguy
I was in the middle of making some Stogiestands in my garage when the mailman threw a box at my head. The slight concussion was well worth it. Going back in the garage now to "make something". Check your mailbox in a few days. Thanks again @firetruckguy
"It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR
Hope you like it bro. The first batch I made and was going to send was discovered by my kids before I had it sealed, aaaaaaand it was gone. This batch I made in secret
Hope you dig the sticks, the humi is getting a little thin on selection.
Let me know if you need more beef my friend!
PM to you bro
DC 9114 9999 4431 4372 6845 75
FTG appreciation
then I get my a$$ handed to me by the Shizza for no good reason. Thank you big dog, watch your mailbox for jerky.........