Speaking of rather careless web design...

I waste as much time on Yahoo Games (well, just Texas Hold 'Em and Omaha really) as the next man, but when I saw this game's billboard I did a bit of a double take. I mean, I don't think this is intentional, but don't you think the company that makes this might have thought about having the illustrator lighten up the babe's complexion a little to avoid any possible misinterpretation?

It took me a second to come to that thought, but I could see it...
He was once asked if the term brave bothered him.
His reply, "No, does the term white bother you?"
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Everyone craves a chip on their shoulder these days. If you don't have one of your own, you borrow someone else's. If the other guy doesn't have one, you invent it. If you haven't wit enough to invent one, go ask HR.
As I said, I have no idea of whether this was intentional or not, but in most of the Yahoo Games billboards the featured "babe" is almost always lily white. Just a visceral reaction, not an accusation.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Well, assuming that I'd noticed it, or if someone had pointed it out to me like you did, yes it would have been best if she wasn't so,..... (tan? dark complected?) And, if I were the one making the call on this from a marketing perspective, yes I would tell the graphics department to go back and try again. And, make sure she's unquestionably white, Asian or anything lighter than tan.
But wait! Hold on just a dang minute! What if they did this on purpose? To bring attention to it? If the news outlets ran a story on the racial perspective questions you posed, think how many thousands if not millions more people would find out about this game than they could ever hope to reach otherwise? And, since she's not really white and she's not really black, she's animated, they could always claim that they didn't mean to cause controversy.
What would you call that? Underhanded marketing? Troll marketing? Brilliant?
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
I grew up watching All In The Family, Sanford and Son, Dean Martin Roasts and stuff like that. There was lots of racist comments and stereotypes in those shows but it was portrayed in a comical manner to be made fun of. Archie Bunker was a comical red neck stuck in his life, Sanford and Son the white cops were portrayed as stupid and the Hispanics as thieves, and the Roasts probably couldn't be shown on TV today. But that was some funny stuff and it was making fun of racism in my mind, showing it for the ridiculous thing it is by making fun of it out in the open. And laughing at it.