Hambuger eaters....its your fault.

UN: Don't Eat Hamburgers, They Hurt The Environment
Published June 5, 2015

AP Graphics
The head of the United Nations Environmental Program wants people to know about things they can do every day to help push the international body’s environmental agenda.
So what’s one way you can do your part for the environment? Why, not eating hamburgers, of course.
Excuse me I have some sirloin patty's on the grill.
But I still love a good burger.
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.
He is retired and lives in a beautiful "stucco" type house on about 20 acres. He is probably the happiest man I know.
He does a lot of traveling in country and loves the people. Has never been made unwelcome, he speaks the language like a native. He did pass on that he has never seen any land cleared for beef production but he has never really talked about it with the local population. It isn't uncommon for him to wake up to find cattle eating his sparse lawn and no one makes a big deal out of it, except his dog Walker. But Walker is always wagging his tail and does his best to get the cattle to play with him. He has seen Walker and some kind of really big rodent sleeping together.
I digress.
When we (the US) have suggested that South American countries try and curtail the clear cutting that is going on we are always told that we do it and that is their excuse to keep doing it. But, I am thinking we did that a long time ago and maybe we have learned from our mistakes. Even now we replant more then we cut. I don't know what the answer is, because we have to eat and the world needs housing.
PS The idiot that clear cut the land next to us must be having a fit. After one year it is so dense with new growth he will have to do it again.