
So, I've had a lot of dental work done. More than my fair share to be honest. I used to see those Trident commercials featuring a hockey team and listing all their dental interventions on TV and think, "They got nothing on me." I always went to the dentist regularly (every 6 months). I don't share this looking for pity. I'm hoping my experience will save somebody a lot of unnecesary pain and expense. My Mom told me the dentist I saw during my youth lost his license. Whether that's true or just wishful thinking, I don't know. I do know that after finding a new dentist I had 10 teeth that needed to be drilled and filled. Uncanny for a 12 year-old who brushed, flossed, used a waterpik and saw his dentist regularly. I've got a mouthful of amalgam at this point and have had some issues. Most recently I had a filling chip that lead to my tooth cracking in two before the dentist could get me in. Talk about pain! Nothing helped; no OTC pain remedies, no prescription painkillers. Eugenol, the active ingredient in clove oil gave me almost immediate relief. It's available over the counter at Walgreens for less than $10. If you ever find yourself in the middle of a dental emergency, try this first! It's the same stuff the dentists use to numb the nerves during a root canal.
East Side 2015
KLMOW Badge 8/2014
Team Trident 2014
KLMOW Badge 8/2014
Team Trident 2014