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Now we know how they win

avengethisavengethis Posts: 5,690 ✭✭✭✭✭
Team O'Donnell FTW!

"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White


  • brianetz1brianetz1 Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭
    if you ain't cheating you ain't trying.  

    i mean really.....it's the astros.  Did anyone notice that since we hacked their system they have been doing better?  Maybe we were just trying to help out our old boy Luhnow once since the Astros are in the AL.  
  • avengethisavengethis Posts: 5,690 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yeah it's really not a huge deal outside of the fact that why would they do something as stupid as that.  I don't get what the advantage would be really.  

    I just had to throw some sand at you is all!
    Team O'Donnell FTW!

    "I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White
  • brianetz1brianetz1 Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭
    if i had money to bet on it, it will be a staffer who was passed over for a job in Lunhow's org who was trying to get back at him.  

    Not making excuses, it is stupid that the cards would allow that to happen, and maybe covering it up.
  • CharlieHeisCharlieHeis Posts: 8,624 ✭✭✭✭✭
    A Cards fan friend of mine tweeted "Who are we, the f***ing Patriots!?" I laughed. Wonder which ball boy is going to prison for this one.
  • raisindotraisindot Posts: 1,294 ✭✭✭
    As punishment, the Cardinals should be barred from playoffs and World Series for the next five years and none of their current players should ever be eligible for MVP or Cy Young titles or admitted to the Baseball Hall of Fame.     :p
  • jarublajarubla Posts: 2,329 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was surprised to see the news on this yesterday. I agree with Brian. Moz is the real deal and would never encourage anyone in his org to do that. The birds have a rich legacy, and to do this would be utter stupidity.

    “There’ll be two dates on your tombstone and all your friends will read ’em but all that’s gonna matter is that little dash between ’em.” -Kevin Welch
  • pennpenn Posts: 193 ✭✭✭
    From what I've been reading and told by some Fed IT guys - it has been done!  The only thing to uncover is if it was ordered - who may have ordered it - when did the top brass in the organization found out - did they cover up the hack or did they report it?
  • jarublajarubla Posts: 2,329 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Good to know, thanks @penn
    “There’ll be two dates on your tombstone and all your friends will read ’em but all that’s gonna matter is that little dash between ’em.” -Kevin Welch
  • brianetz1brianetz1 Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭
    penn said:
    From what I've been reading and told by some Fed IT guys - it has been done!  The only thing to uncover is if it was ordered - who may have ordered it - when did the top brass in the organization found out - did they cover up the hack or did they report it?
    yeah apparently Dewitt and Moz have known about this since Decemberish and are full cooperating.  They already know the house that this emanated from and when it happened.

    Apparently sometime in Spring Training a house that is shared by 4 or 5 people was where this came from.  Only people who share a house like that are low level scouts or staffers.  

    It might be the homer in me, but this sounds like 4 or 5 guys got hammered one night and were like let's troll Lunhow because he was such a **** and tried the passwords they knew that he used on their system and got right in and then proceeded to leak a bunch of crap just to **** with him.

    I tend to think that there is no way that Moz and Dewitt come out so hard in their statement and interviews yesterday if either of them were involved.

    The only thing that worries me is that when Lunhow left the cards panties got in a bunch because he apparently took/stole the system that the cards use for advanced metrics and had it rebuilt down in Houston.  There were some pissed off people because on top of that he took 2 more guys with him and then Moz put a stop to it and stopped granting him the OK to interview people who were under contract.  So there is some prior history here.

  • matkn293matkn293 Posts: 3,565 ✭✭✭✭✭
    At first when I saw this I was like are you f-ing kidding me. Well, I am still like that to a point. Yes it gives the haters more fuel. Will it tarnish the rep of the club, very much so. However as some of the facts and a little more information come out it seems like Brian said, a couple of jackasses trying to troll Luhnow. Was it the way to do it, yea no!  I really hope that for the sake of all the Cardinal fans, history, and future endeavors that this is an isolated Incident and that this does not cripple what the expectations and preaching of what the Cardinal organization values are. 

    Life is too short to smoke bad cigars!!!

    Oh when the Blues, Oh when the Blues, Oh when the Blues go marching in!

  • SM0K3YSM0K3Y Posts: 1,109 ✭✭✭
  • peter4jcpeter4jc Posts: 16,746 ✭✭✭✭✭
    SM0K3Y said:
    And that's why this is so astounding to me; the Patriots can pretty much beat you straight up, and yet they still choose to cheat to get that last little edge...  same thing with the Cards.
    "I could've had a Mi Querida!"   Nick Bardis
  • jarublajarubla Posts: 2,329 ✭✭✭✭✭
    “There’ll be two dates on your tombstone and all your friends will read ’em but all that’s gonna matter is that little dash between ’em.” -Kevin Welch
  • jarublajarubla Posts: 2,329 ✭✭✭✭✭
    “There’ll be two dates on your tombstone and all your friends will read ’em but all that’s gonna matter is that little dash between ’em.” -Kevin Welch
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