Oh Mr. Owens....
You certainly may call me Penn! Now about these haircuts - I don't really get any
I shave my head once or twice a week. Anyway, I have never been offended by anyone on this group. When you take the stances I have taken over the years you need to develop thick skin to have conversations. I respect any man willing to state his views in a respectful way - even if I don't share those views. To me, that is what makes debates and changing of the minds possible. Hopefully, I have not offended you either! But - your time is coming concerning the unexpected package I received today. I stepped away from forum for a few days to take my wife to NYC for her birthday and come back to this.....

That was a quick delivery and I am glad they got there OK. They are all fresh, give them some rest.
Thank you! And I am looking forward to more lively discussions.
Rules??? Rule are made to be broken. Laws are made to be followed. Besides there is only one rule I know to be absolutely unbreakable - when some shoots at you - shoot back!
MOW badge received.