Mr Luken made me think of .....

.....a question that he might have asked.
How many Sirs, Mr(s), Mams, Ms(s) and please, or thank yous have you heard from the young people of today?
How many Sirs, Mr(s), Mams, Ms(s) and please, or thank yous have you heard from the young people of today?
gonna have to think about this one
I had a conversation with my better half about this thread. She reminded me that my eldest follows this rule; gotta work on the younger ones to get them to adhere to it too (they're still a bit on the young side).
its weird now to talk to their teachers when I am now much older than they are. They insist on being called by their first name but I resort back to being a kid whenever I'm talking to a teacher. LOL. A very odd dynamic for me.
That's one thing I've always admired about social interactions in the South when I've traveled there. Most young people do call older men "sir" and "Mr.: and women "ma'am," regardless of the situation and regardless of whether each party knows the other or not. It can be very disarming at first since we up in the northeast are well known for being rude and lacking social graces. But it really is a very wonderful tradition of respectfulness that I wish would make a comeback up here.
I find myself doing it, regardless of the age of the other person.
@smok3y denial is the first sign, acceptance is the answer, Good day, Sir!