Cigar tunneling.

I have a question, lately my cigars at about 1/3 of the way in starts to tunnel and then goes out. It's starting to happen on all of them now regardless of brand. Is there a specific cause to this? Maybe humidor to humid? Any suggestions? Thanks.
I keep my humidor around 80% according to the cheap device in there, My basement is 40%, Should I open my humidor for a day?
Is the thing you're using to measure your basement humidity small enough to fit in your humidor?
There are many pages of more detailed advice compiled here, I am sure you will resolve this problem with a small investment, and a little more research.
Leaving the humidor open will lower the humidity level, but you need to know where you are in order to get to where you want to be.
Thanks, Ok... Well my basement is def 40% It says so on the dehumidifier and also a separate high quality digital device I have across the basement. I took the small digital device out of my humidor and placed it by the more sophisticated and expensive hydrometer and it went down to 50% and stayed there, So it's definitely not accurate, It seems to be over reading, So I guess my humidor is around 70% I'll get a better one soon. In the mean time I took a cigar out and let it sit in 40% for a few hours, so we'll see. But has anyone had their cigars tunnel out like that? It's getting routine with mine now, def not in the beginning.
70% is high for me and I've had burn issues at that rh even though it's within the recommended range.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White
Toast the foot well, but slowly. Try smoking a little bit faster but a little more gently. Youre not trying to suck a milkshake.
If you toast well and light evenly, watch the wrapper after each draw and that will help determine your pace.
-- Winston Churchill
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
^^^^^This! you might even want to check out the v-herf and hang out a bit
You're dead on! That was the issue. Thanks! 4 cigars following your advice and no tunneling.
They could be rolled by "El Chapo" and that's why they are tunneling.
Nubs never tunnel...what a nice cigar. On the other end of the spectrum, the DPG Blues I have always tunnel. This breaks my heart since everything I hear indicates that it's a great cigar. I've left them alone for the past 2 weeks and will try one in an hour or so. Wish me luck.
-- Winston Churchill
I just finished a DPG Blue that Did. Not. Tunnel. Hallelujah!
I now can appreciate what everyone says about the DPG Blue. It's a luxurious and entirely wonderful smoke. Not sure if the difference was the extra rest, the reduced humidity or the fact that i attentively smoked this one, but the reward was big. God, that was great!
FWIW, on my previous unsuccessful attempts, I religiously toasted the foot. This time, I didn't. For my money, that's not the secret.
I may be wrong, but I lowered the RH to the mid-60s a few weeks ago and it seems to have solved the problem.