New House

Just closed on my house today after a long stressful approval process. Now that I was able to catch a breathe for a moment today..the real fun kicks in! Going to start moving this weekend and super excited to own my first home!
It is a great feeling reaching this milestone--I know because I am a recent home owner too (only 28 years left on my mortgage, lulz).
I love being able to work in my yard, paint walls, and change stuff.
Again, congrats!
Hope you have a nice porch, deck or patio to use as your smoking sanctuary!
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
Yes, that's one of the things I'm looking forward to doing. I'm gonna be painting some landscaping to do...even going to take a wall out from the dining area to connect it to the kitchen, and add a bar. Really excited about the idea that I can do what I want to with it!