Had a intresting morning. Got up as usual at 5:50 am. Went barefoot with the lights out to put the coffee on and a bathroom stop. Saw the floor in the living room littered with dog toys, a ball, peanut butter cup, squeaky toy etc. As usual stepped on the squeaky toy but it didn't squeak. The toy felt different somehow and bigger. I looked hard in the dark and gave it a bump. Didn't look right so i went to pick it up. Furry and cold, damn it was a possum!. Yelled out to my better half " we got a possum in the house" She yelled "get the trap get the trap" I hit the lights and sure enough there laid a possum. I didn't know if the possum was dead or playing possum. I grabbed a garbage bag and picked it up by the tail and dumped it in. It was deader than a doornail. We have a dog door leading to a fenced in area and our dog Lady must have encountered said possum out in the yard last night and decided to bring it inside to play with. All before coffee. Ain't dogs great.