There is stupid....

Police take to social media to warn about 'faux gun' cell phone case
'Die-Phone': Critics call for ban on gun-grip phone case
Why has a cell phone case been causing a stir on social media, lately? According to some law enforcement officials, a case that looks like a gun is a dangerous product.
On Tuesday, New Jersey State Police posted images of the “faux gun cell phone case” to their Instagram and Facebook accounts.
“This cell phone case is a terrible idea,” the police department wrote on its Facebook page. “Officers do not have the luxury of time when making split-second decisions, while interacting with the public. We strongly recommend that you do not use this product both for your own safety and the safety of law enforcement officers.”
Some of the police department’s social media followers agreed that the case could pose a potential risk.
“I agree. Horrible concept,” wrote Instagram user “foosestang.” Another user, “misstadoodles” agreed, writing that “someone is going to get hurt because of it, be the owner because someone thinks it’s the real thing or someone else ignoring a person with a REAL gun because they assume it’s that phone case. Bad idea all around.”