What if billary was a Republican?

Brit Hume: 'It's a Good Thing for Hillary Clinton That She's Not a Republican ...'
BRIT HUME, FOX NEWS SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: Nearly 20 years ago, the late columnist William Sapphire of the "New York Times" described Hillary Clinton as a quote "congenital liar". The list of her whoppers was long then and it has been growing ever since. She claimed that as a novice investor in Arkansas she made a 10,000 percent killing trading cattle futures by reading the "Wall Street Journal". something one observer said was akin to quote "driving to Hawaii".
She said she came under sniper fire in Bosnia in 1996. She didn't.
She said her daughter was jogging around the World Trade Center on 9/11 2001. She wasn't.
She even once claimed that she was named for Sir Edmund Hillary after he became the first man to climb Mt. Everest. But that didn't happen until five years after she was born.
More recently she claimed she'd turned over all her job-related e- mails from her days as secretary of state. But work related e-mails have since turned up that the State Department didn't have. And she claimed the notorious Sid Blumenthal was just an old friend with whom she sometimes kept in touch and who sent her unsolicited e-mails.
Turns out as we've heard that she was reaching out to him in the dark of night from the first year of the Obama administration and her e-mails made clear she welcomed and encouraged his advice.
With such a record of mendacity, and there are numerous other examples, one thing is clear. It's a good thing for Hillary Clinton that she's not a Republican.
First we heard of her was that she had made a hundred grand on one grand investment. What genius. Turned out the "investment" was handled by Tyson, largest employer in Arkansas -- she had no hand in it. Then it turned out she never even ponied up the grand -- Tyson did that too. It was all pure and obvious money laundering graft. I forget now what favor Tyson sought from governor Bill at the time -- there was a Bill who signed a bill. Here's the point: Had she been a Republican, she and Slick would have been hung for graft long before they got to the white house, long before she trotted round the country touting socialized medicine driving health insurance stocks in the toilet so she and Bill could invest in them, long before Vince and Whitewater and more hours billed at Rose without ever darkening the doors, long before the wholesale pardon selling spectacle, long before the FBI dossiers, long before "Senator, I do not recall...", well before trotting round the world laundering money from foreign bigshots through some tax exempt facade of a charity, long before so on ad nauseum.
Nixon lost 17 seconds of tape and got hounded from office.
Hillary lost 30,000 emails and will prolly get elected to office.
Here our favorite bay area liberal will chime in with all the good things she stands for... cause we can sure believe her when she tells us what she stands for. For example, that she will topple the one percent... one of whom she has become... ironically by promising populist platitudes such as the need to topple the one percent...
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
"I'm at the point in my life where if it doesn't taste good,I'm not putting it in my mouth"
"I'm at the point in my life where if it doesn't taste good,I'm not putting it in my mouth"