Royln has me speechless

I asked Ro the other day about the new Centurion Connecticut, not a big Connie fan but read a review and sounds pretty good. Of coarse he responds by saying I'll send u some, I argued a little bit but knew it was no use. We text back and forth frequently about all sorts of things not just cigars, we've actually became really good friends and definitely isn't something I expected when I first joined the forum a few years ago. Anyway I mentioned my daughter Jordan's birthday Sunday and Uncle Royln decides to not just blow me up but brought it down on my baby! Royln, I don't know what to say other than I love you bro and you are truly a great friend and a brother! Check out the carnage fellas, Jordan was so surprised and thankful. She said Uncle Ro is her favorite Uncle, haha.

Nice hit! A family obliteration!
-- Winston Churchill
My favorite cigar list here
The pain on that kids face says it all.
MOW badge received.