Looking for Cigar recommendations and what not.

Let me preface this by saying HOLY COW have I been gone for a long time. The forums have changed for the better I hope?? Everything looks snazzy. Lets get to the title though. I am getting married next Saturday and am just wondering what you lot would recommend for a nice smoke for a good price. Looking possibly on the yard 'gar side of things because they may be more to every ones liking other than mine. I tend to like the more full blend. Thanks in advance!
"Beauty is in the eye when you hold her." -Ricky
Hoya Red. I had my first just now. I'm impressed with these.
Fonsaca Arana is a small priced bundle to consider!
I don't know that I could follow this advice if it was me getting married next Saturday, but I'd say don't sweat the cigar selection too much; you won't/can't make everybody happy... the people getting the cigars should care about you which is why they're there, and they'll be honored to get any good cigar just because it's from you.
I did a nugget review of it:
Held ash longer than I think I ever have with this cigar. Strong and tight. Everyone I was hanging out with thought it smelled fantastic. It tasted okay, but I'd love for them to discontinue this if they brought back the Celebracion. It wasn't anywhere near as good as that. In fact, it was kind of just better than okay. Nothing bad, but seriously one-note from start to finish. Well, maybe better than that. It struck a chord, but the chord never changed. There was some complexity but it never varied. Kind of boring.
Another Option:
The Tat white labels with mixed filler. Cheap, yard gar, but with some decent flavors. Weak ash. Consistent burn. Well made for what it is. http://www.cigar.com/cigars/84654/tatuaje-series-p/
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.
And another suggestion comes to mind. Perhaps something in the basic Arturo Fuente line because of their beautiful classic bands and Fuente is a good bet to please everyone.
**(run, get out while you still can!!!)**
lol j/k man
you said you like more of a full blend but if you plan on sharing with others you might be better sticking on the mild-medium side of things, unless you know the other folks can handle it, just my $0.02.
i did a box of the fuente chateau natural (green band) for a mixed-group bachelor party earlier this year and they were a hit. price was right too, at about $4/stick.
you could always go with the sun-grown fuente if you want a little more kick to it.
and as far as overruns go --- i've always had good luck with the AJ overruns, good quality and consistency. pretty sure they got rebranded and are now called "nicaraguan boutique overruns" http://www.cigar.com/cigars/84718/nicaraguan-boutique-overruns/
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
If if you are smoking an Opus, the Fuente sticks everyone else will be smoking will have some congruency with yours, your stick being the stick of honor (that may sound a little cheesy).
Again, congrats! Marriage is a fine institution.
These are good seconds, if you can find them loose at a B&M, usually about $3 a stick: http://www.cigar.com/cigars/11842/perdomo-fresh-rolled-cuban-wheels/