A special day

Today is a special day for me, I may go into more detail later (or I may not)
Today is the day that means more to me than any other day of the year, including Christmas, My anniversary or birthdays, for without today none of those days would have any real meaning.
Today is a day of reflection, of change, of hope and sharing.
Nine years ago today, I had put myself in a position where only two possible options existed and neither one would be pleasant. Option A was to continue along the path I was already on, blotting out the consciousness of my intolerable situation as best I could. Option B was to accept that my life was not working and attempt to start completely over. Either way I was going to have to face the consequence's of my actions.
I choose B, it turns out that this is by far the harder of the two. It flat out sucks when you find out that a lot of your core beliefs were wrong.
-- Winston Churchill
Yep, doing my best.
You made the right choice.
I went through a transmogrification, nearly five years ago this time of year. Fall is a season of change in many ways for me, and I suspect it will always be a season for recollection, reflection, and focus on knowing the self.
Again, glad to know you. I will smoke one for you tonight, bro
Be grateful and gracious everyday. Nothing else much matters.