Blind fiver anyone?
Been out of the game for a bit finances were tough buying a new house, but I'm looking to set up a little trade if anyone is interested. I've moved so PM for the new address. I can do two or three if more than one wants to get in on the action. Seen some new blood errr brothers posting maybe a newb or @james40 I need to thank you for that wonderful Shark you gave me when you were up here.
-- Winston Churchill
I I think I have a couple of sharks left. Whoever gets his new addy, please forward it to me.
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Ahhh, it was a good time. I just wish more folks made it. Next time you visit your daughter you'll have to let me know. I was in SD in July and thought about hooking up for a herf a little to late.
Wait, how did I miss Eric? I'm not sure I have your addy so I'll PM. This is a five for five bro, I'm back down to just a humidor and I'm not looking to break out the cooler.
P.S. I have the new addy if anyone is interested.
My favorite cigar list here
Managed to get this out today.... sometimes I surprise myself
My favorite cigar list here
My favorite cigar list here
-- Winston Churchill