Well today is the day!

So we are at the hospital awaiting our daughter. I will update this thread when she comes, with a guess the weight contest. I'm steeling this contest idea from Lee whom did this when he became an uncle. There will also be one other person bombed, this person has already been chosen by me. So any way I will update this when Juliette Druffel Brickley comes screaming into the world.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill.
MOW badge received.
MOW badge received.
Congrats papa patrick!
Congratulations Mr & Mrs Brickley!
6lb 9oz
Healthy, Red & Loud
-- Winston Churchill
congrats to you sir, I am the proud father of two girls myself. But now the downside, you have two years of diapers ahead of you, then about 14 years after that your name changes from dad to ATM but I wouldn't change a thing love my kids more than anything else in the world.
6 lbs 15 3/4 oz
200.2 lbs
6lb 9oz
-That one guy
Contrats Pdiddy!
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White
Congrats bro!! Best to all of you!!
-- Winston Churchill
My favorite cigar list here
-- Winston Churchill
MOW badge received.