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For Sale

for those that may or may not know I am doing a little fund raising for a secret santa for 2 local girls that are friends with my daughter,
well I am selling some custom etched glass's that I have already made, but not used them.
P/M for info and pics


  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Posts: 8,771 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Really guys? No one interested? 

    Got one with an Opus X logo on it? 
    "It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR
  • LiquidChaos66LiquidChaos66 Posts: 3,767 ✭✭✭✭
    PM Sent to ya!
    Life is like a blind fiver. You never know what you're gonna get.
  • thedjfish@comcast.netthedjfish@comcast.net Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2015
  • thedjfish@comcast.netthedjfish@comcast.net Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭
    Really guys? No one interested? 

    Got one with an Opus X logo on it? 

    I got one and only one made, it was a prototype and took way to long to make the stencil, is anyone from the herf from your area?
  • Usaf06Usaf06 Posts: 11,587 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Damn that's cool... Better jump on it DZR
    "I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form."
    -- Winston Churchill

    "LET'S GO FRANCIS"     Peter

  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Posts: 8,771 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Really guys? No one interested? 

    Got one with an Opus X logo on it? 

    I got one and only one made, it was a prototype and took way to long to make the stencil, is anyone from the herf from your area?
    @bandyt09 is. $? ... Paypal?
    "It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Posts: 15,659 ✭✭✭✭✭
    He does some great work....
  • thedjfish@comcast.netthedjfish@comcast.net Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭
    guys, this is done, had some secret santas help the secret santa,thanks guys
  • bandyt09bandyt09 Posts: 4,335 ✭✭✭✭✭
    guys, this is done, had some secret santas help the secret santa,thanks guys
    Joe, great to hear. Have fun shopping for little ones with your little ones.
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Posts: 15,659 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd love to see their faces on Christmas morning! Well done Joe
  • thedjfish@comcast.netthedjfish@comcast.net Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭
    i'll have them all over this Friday, my daughter is having a sleep over, a good time to pick their brains on what they would like, bad since they will all be tearing up my home for a couple days.lol
  • thedjfish@comcast.netthedjfish@comcast.net Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭

    guys I have to thank everyone who helped out, we dropped off the gift's yesterday, mom's where just as surprised, the girls did not know until this morning,

    we got calls this morning from them telling us santa came to their homes and where so happy they could hardly talk with out freaking out with joy.

    I will try to get some pics mom's said they took some,

    so for those that bought and those that helped me with this


  • LiquidChaos66LiquidChaos66 Posts: 3,767 ✭✭✭✭
    That is awesome! :-)
    Life is like a blind fiver. You never know what you're gonna get.
  • bandyt09bandyt09 Posts: 4,335 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Joe, that's wonderful news and what the season is about. I'm glad everything came together for you.
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Posts: 15,659 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great job! It's great to put a smile on a kid!!
  • NolagizmoNolagizmo Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bigshizza said:
    Great job! It's great to put a smile on a kid!!
    Shizz you're like Santa
    You win the hearts over from our lil ones. Got to love papa shizz.

    Joe. You made it happen! Through sick and sin and thick and thin you got resourceful. I bow to you brutha. If you're ever in the big easy I owe you a drunk hmu
    "Come party with me in Tennessee for my birthday July we can smoke in the Smokey's."
  • NolagizmoNolagizmo Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shizz if you come down. I got you booze till you puke then more booze
    "Come party with me in Tennessee for my birthday July we can smoke in the Smokey's."
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Posts: 15,659 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ok I'll hold you to that bro!!
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