Does this exist?

So I understand the benefit to aging cigars. I know that as a cigar ages, the flavors marry and blend and become much smoother providing a greater flavor profile. However, I unfortunatly do not think that I have the patience to wait as long as some people do to properly age their cigar. I was wondering, is there a company that you could ship your cigars to and they will age them for you and ship them back at a predetermined date? If not there should be? I fear a may never enjoy a truly aged cigar.
If you can, try the coolerdor route, and try not to smoke em all.
It gets easier with time to just watch the little beauties rest, I promise!
However, sometimes you can find oldies at a B&M. Aged and ready to go!
OR you could try a "Lost and found". It's a project by Tony bellato and robert caldwell where they buy up old cigars from factories and sell them. Some people crap on this idea and say it's a scam, but I think it's cool. And the cigars aren't really any more expensive they they were unaged (probably since you don't know exactly what you're buying). $8 to $10 for a cigar from 2006? I'd buy a couple.
I agree with Edna, buy enough cigars and you end up aging them by default. I found stuff at the bottom of my cooler that's been there for a few years and I've totally forgot about it. Found a Partagas Serie D #4 that I think is about 5 yrs old that I'm saving for a special treat.
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Keeping that in mind, consider this scenario: ya buy a box of, say, 20 sticks with the intent of aging. So, ya try one right off the truck in order to establish a baseline. After 6 months ya try another and note the improvement or lack thereof. After another 6 months ya try a third one. Now the remainder of the sticks have a year on them and youve got 17 left.
Another year goes by and you have 15 sticks with 2 years on them.
Now, for the sake of conversation, let's say that this particular brand/blend of cigar is one which stops improving at 2 years of age. You don't have any way of knowing that but you still have 15 sticks that may actually start to degrade from here on out.
See where im going with this?
To me, if/when I want aged sticks I'll go to my source of ISOMs and order from their aging room. My experience in the past has been that the cost might be $1 or $2 more per stick but I don't have to wait on them and then try to guess when I should smoke them.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
-- Winston Churchill
If anything, a vacuum would stop aging as there's no air.
Air probably has an influence in an infusion process but that's a whole different thing...
I've have seen discussions and questions about this in the past and in my failing memory I seem to remember someone saying that cigars continue to age for some time, even several years. I do know that even some of the less expensive cigars seem better with some age on them.
So sayeth those who have told me things....
Any cigar will tend to smooth out and lose some nicotine kick. I just smoked a le pigeon (lost and found) from 2009, very smooth!! BUT an already smooth cigar might seem flavorless after years and years of aging (I wouldn't worry about 2-5 years though as that's just getting started).
I just this week recieved a bundle of last Perla Marado Toros. and wonder how long they should rest before finding out how amazing they can become.
thanks everyone for your advise on this post!