The Force Awakens (No Spoilers)

I'm surprised there isn't a thread for this yet. C'mon nerds, no one has seen it yet? I'm a fan but not so much that I have to see it on the first night. I work in retail so I have been crazy busy but will be going with family members later this week. Most of what I've heard has been very positive. What did you think?
-- Winston Churchill
My review, it was very well done, however the plot lines are very similar to the original trilogy which may irk some people.
I am am fascinated by theme/trope/leitmotif in storytelling. The Deus ex Machina type devices we have grown to expect in these films (the death star I and II, etc) is interesting, as are some other themes; the hero, the anti hero, the foil, and several others I won't mention due to spoilers.
Bottom line? I have hope again for the series and the direction it is headed. This new heroine is a straight up badass
great movie, i wouldn't wait, you will get spoiled very soon. Disney basically threatened the media as a whole to not spoil the thing until Today, so you will start seeing some spoiler reviews and media coverage popping up all over today
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *