Milestones, 2015

This is the time of year when columnists write lists of milestones for the year.
I read a milestone this New Year which so astonished me that I had to chase the reference back to its source at DOJ to validate the factoids cited.

For the first time, last year, the value of so-called "civil asset forfeitures" exceeded the value stolen by burglars. Let that sink in half a mo... then realize that this number only reflects what got grabbed by DOJ and Treasury. It does not include any loot grabbed by state, county, city, or any other police agencies. The feds, alone, in this of all countries, steal more than all burglars combined.
The Sheriff of Nottingham is alive and well in modern America.
I read a milestone this New Year which so astonished me that I had to chase the reference back to its source at DOJ to validate the factoids cited.

For the first time, last year, the value of so-called "civil asset forfeitures" exceeded the value stolen by burglars. Let that sink in half a mo... then realize that this number only reflects what got grabbed by DOJ and Treasury. It does not include any loot grabbed by state, county, city, or any other police agencies. The feds, alone, in this of all countries, steal more than all burglars combined.
The Sheriff of Nottingham is alive and well in modern America.
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
-- Winston Churchill