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Apology to the forum!!

It's been a couple of years since i've been on here, infact I had actually forgotten I had been on here. I was looking for an answer regarding "shipping" so while searching, I noticed I had some "discussions" involved in. Wondering how that could be since i'm "new" I opened them. As soon as I did, my memory was refreshed. 

Now that my memory has been refreshed, I feel it's only right that I aplogize to the forum and one person specifically, BIG CHUNK. Basically, I was having a bad day and got my panties in a wod and stormed out of here like a little ****!!! Sure, I may have had some legitimate grips but the way I handled it, or not handled it was NOT COOL!!

So with all that said, I APOLOGIZE to everyone in here!! Better late than never!!


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