Coolidor questions

I may have to do a coolidor and have just a few questions. I have looked online and it looks very simple. Is it that simple and I have seen where some people put in empty boxes and others donts. And I guess you check the humidity level as often as you would your normal humidor?
Truck cooler just has sticks in unsealed baggies,, beads an hygro
It really is simple. So much so that I am cutting ties with wood humis; I use the Boveda pack method for hydrating, and put boxes on the bottom, five finger poly bags for singles and fivers. I was doing loose sticks in boxes, but they were too bulky. I store the cooler in the basement and check on the rh every other day or so.
Rock solid, and if I need to be away from the house (rare), I know the cooler will have no issues in the meantime.
Congrats on the cooler milestone!
Thanks Jay, trying to get everything ordered today.
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It had to be 100% silica, there is a thread that has a list of 'Good' KL brands. I use the Exiouisicat and this stuff is incredibly stable, I have a 150qt cooler that has been holding 67% rh for over a year and a half with no adjustments at all. Yes there is a slight oder when you mist it, I let it sit about 10 min and it becomes neutral again.