"I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form." -- Winston Churchill "LET'S GO FRANCIS" Peter
You guys are hilarious (lol) and I feel and look the same exact way after the last few weeks. Again, my work though it would be beneficial if I went on a consulting trip with various engineers so it has been long days and nights filled with caffeine. Anyway, just in case I get whisked away again on business, I have made a decision to reveal all of the questions in now and crown the winner. I think it is long over-due.
To be transparent, I will combine all the last questions in the next few posts and the winner will be declared.
So here is goes!
Who is the President of the US at the end of Season 3 of House of Cards? Obama: 6 points
Black sheep: And we have a black sheep winner! The correct answer was Frank Underwood. Unfortunately, rsherman24 and SleevePLZ answered Obama and therefore lost the black sheep!
***Everyone except Stubble answered queen! (Stubble answered King) I am not going to type out every name and the two answers. However the standing will be adjusted***
Next Question:
Who was the 16th president of the USA?
Everyone except James40 answered Abe Lincoln. (James40 answered Hoover). Again, I am not going to type out every name and the two answers. However the standing will be adjusted***
And........................that is the end of Think Same 2! It didn't go as I planned it to because of personal work issues, but we do have some winners and some gars to send out! I will talk with @CharlieHeis to see what we can do! I will be asking for addys very soon!
Whatever. You bore me with your self importance. And I did not even participate. I hope the participants tell you to F-Off. And you let someone else run your game. Unless you enjoy people jacking off on your holding them hostage. Take aother look in the mirror dousche bag!
I am not sure if you are sardonic, green-eyed, or just jocular....
Correct me if I am wrong, but judging by the absence of a "lol" or "haha" I think you are trying to convey passive aggressive sarcasm and I am not understanding why.
In my life, it is work over play and I wasn't trying to hold anyone hostage. Work calls, I go. Simple as that.
@CigarFanatic as I said in previous post the Lamborghini was really going to show a generation gap. I honestly thought more would choose countach since it seems most of us are old farts.
Whatever. You bore me with your self importance. And I did not even participate. I hope the participants tell you to F-Off. And you let someone else run your game. Unless you enjoy people jacking off on your holding them hostage. Take aother look in the mirror dousche bag!
-- Winston Churchill
To be transparent, I will combine all the last questions in the next few posts and the winner will be declared.
So here is goes!
Who is the President of the US at the end of Season 3 of House of Cards?
Obama: 6 points
Frank Underwood: 5 points
Tom Brady; Mr. Dunno Whatsizface; Jack Heart; never seen it; Hillary Clinton; kermit the frog; no clue : 1 point
Nolagizmo - 167
rsherman24 - 163
SleevePLZ - 160
ChazMn - 148
Devildog1 - 152
WaterNerd - 146
BignBalln - 138
Edna20 - 141
genareddog - 134
No_one21 - 130
Stubble - 135
UseAsDirected - 130
usaf06 - 134
Puff_Dougie - 132
James40 - 133
Avengethis - 122
twistedstem - 112
Wylaff - 94
Black sheep:
And we have a black sheep winner! The correct answer was Frank Underwood. Unfortunately, rsherman24 and SleevePLZ answered Obama and therefore lost the black sheep!
What is the most powerful piece on a chessboard?
***Everyone except Stubble answered queen! (Stubble answered King) I am not going to type out every name and the two answers. However the standing will be adjusted***
Next Question:
Who was the 16th president of the USA?
Everyone except James40 answered Abe Lincoln. (James40 answered Hoover). Again, I am not going to type out every name and the two answers. However the standing will be adjusted***
Nolagizmo - 201
rsherman24 - 197
SleevePLZ - 194
Devildog1 - 186
ChazMn - 182
WaterNerd - 180
Edna20 - 175
BignBalln - 172
usaf06 - 168
genareddog - 168
Puff_Dougie - 166
No_one21 - 164
UseAsDirected - 164
Avengethis - 156
Stubble - 153
James40 - 151
twistedstem - 146
Wylaff - 128
-A lot of big moves but the top 3 still stays the same!
This type of steel can kill "white walkers" in the HBO show "Game of Thrones" (Apparently ALOT of GoT Fans here!)
Valyrian: 17 points
***Everyone except genareddog answered Valyrian. (He answered Stainless) Again, results will be adjusted.***
Nolagizmo - 218
rsherman24 - 214
SleevePLZ - 211
Devildog1 - 203
ChazMn - 199
WaterNerd - 187
Edna20 - 194
BignBalln - 189
usaf06 - 185
Puff_Dougie - 183
No_one21 - 181
UseAsDirected - 181
Avengethis - 173
Stubble - 170
genareddog - 169
James40 - 168
twistedstem - 163
Wylaff - 145
-Top 3 is still top 3 and genareddog drops a few spots. Only 1 question left!
Lamborghini _________
Countach: 5 points (I never heard of a Countach!)
Diablo: 5 points
Gallardo; Murcialago (My favorite!); XLS; Lighter; testarossa (Ferrari?); expensive; Edna20000X (lol); Bugatti: 1 point
FINAL Standings:
Nolagizmo - 223
SleevePLZ - 216
rsherman24 - 215
Devildog1 - 204
ChazMn - 200
Edna20 - 195
BignBalln - 194
WaterNerd - 192
UseAsDirected - 186
usaf06 - 186
Puff_Dougie - 184
No_one21 - 182
Avengethis - 178
genareddog - 174
James40 - 173
Stubble - 171
twistedstem - 168
Wylaff - 150
And........................that is the end of Think Same 2! It didn't go as I planned it to because of personal work issues, but we do have some winners and some gars to send out! I will talk with @CharlieHeis to see what we can do! I will be asking for addys very soon!
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
What lol? I guess I should say I am sorry for putting my career and financial security first?????
I am completely dumbfounded......
It looks similar to an El Diablo but I guess I am a bit too young to know what a Countach is! lol
I think I have your addy. Still at 1004?
Are you still at 540?
Correct me if I am wrong, but judging by the absence of a "lol" or "haha" I think you are trying to convey passive aggressive sarcasm and I am not understanding why.
In my life, it is work over play and I wasn't trying to hold anyone hostage. Work calls, I go. Simple as that.
That's out of line.
@SleevePlz 9505510983686103303685
Sorry it took so long to get these out Dark Roast.