Brad You're The Man!

Well, I guess the title really says it all. I knew this package was coming. I just didn't know with what even though I had my hopes up. At the Chicago Herf, Brad had a V Cutter that I thought was the best accessory I had used in a long time. Make a long story short, Brad didn't get offended when I didn't want to give him his v cutter back. Instead, his wife bribed me with some stuff cheese sausage. Not sure what the name of it is, but it was good enough to get my focus off his v cutter, lol. Well he didn't forget that and thought it would be a good idea to bomb me with one. Brad, that was a great idea. THANK YOU A TON, I have yet to use it. But trust me, it will get plenty of work. Of course Brad couldn't send it alone. He happened to slip in two cigars that I've never had. So of course I'm looking forward to smoking them. Brad, your gesture definitely won't be forgotten. Check it out everyone....
-- Winston Churchill
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White