KSWILDCAT Strikes Again!

brother Randy @kswildcat let me know that he was going to a large B&M and
wanted to see if I wanted anything. I know, IT’S A TRAP, but thought it would
be fun to send him a nice selection of cigars so I told him about a few sticks
I’ve been looking for. A few days later Randy let me know that the package was arriving Wednesday.
When I got home and saw the package I knew I was in trouble

Medium flat rate box… Seriously? What did I walk into? A TRAP!!! Opened it up and out came 23 sticks. Yep 23. Dang Randy You lit me up on this one. Great selection of cigars and WAY OVER THE TOP. Thank you brother

Just remember my return fire is going to be epic. Be prepared

Medium flat rate box… Seriously? What did I walk into? A TRAP!!! Opened it up and out came 23 sticks. Yep 23. Dang Randy You lit me up on this one. Great selection of cigars and WAY OVER THE TOP. Thank you brother

Just remember my return fire is going to be epic. Be prepared

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt
— Abraham Lincoln3
I'm glad to see the fragile sticker done a lot of good.. I hope they all arrived safe.
Fragile just means they don't throw it the truck overhand, they toss it underhand.
-- Winston Churchill