Shizz'd on a Saturday Morning

Another quiet day at home, relaxing watching The Rifleman on AMC, when @Bigshizza decided to violate my serenity, big time. Would have said my sanity but we all know that ship has sailed.
Love the TB Series and I got 4 of them! Except for the Fallen Angel all the rest are new to me, you seem to know what I like though, can't wait to try them. That Leaf by Oscar threw me, that is so cool, the leaf is instead of the cello. Thanks Jim, you made my day. Look up generous in the dictionary and you'll find this guy.
Love the TB Series and I got 4 of them! Except for the Fallen Angel all the rest are new to me, you seem to know what I like though, can't wait to try them. That Leaf by Oscar threw me, that is so cool, the leaf is instead of the cello. Thanks Jim, you made my day. Look up generous in the dictionary and you'll find this guy.

Nice hit Jim. George getting a beating is good times and you laid the smack down.
Good taste in TV shows George. .
My favorite cigar list here
@MikeTodd, I'll let you know how that Kentucky was but you should be careful making comments like that here, you may have a bulls eye on your back now, lol.
@kswildcat, yeah I like the classic's. Few years ago my twin 5 year old nieces were here so I put on a Mr Ed dvd for them, they said somethings wrong it's not in color.