The simple pleasures...

I had forgotten how pleasant it was to smoke a whole cigar, from light-up to nub, with no interruptions of any kind.
No blustery winds, no relights, no touch-up burns, no honey-dos - nada!
The CAO Black toro I enjoyed today was perfectly constructed. The draw was perfect. It was just - - perfect.
Life is good.....
No blustery winds, no relights, no touch-up burns, no honey-dos - nada!
The CAO Black toro I enjoyed today was perfectly constructed. The draw was perfect. It was just - - perfect.

Life is good.....

Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
And you are right, it's the simple things in life that are the best, just finished rolling around on the ground with Cael and seeing him smile at me afterwords made my whole day