Its Over 9000!!!!

What 9000?!?!?! (I hope at least one or two understand this reference lol)

Yes its that time, just about to trip over that 9K post mark so I figured that I would do something in my humble way to give back to a few people. There are already a few passes going around, and some contests etc so I figured I would be boring and just keep it simple with a set of twin boy bombs
One goes to a vet and one to a newbie, that way I keep true to the new and old of the boards and spread the love a bit. Truthfully there are at least a dozen or more extremely worthy brothers and sisters that I would love to hit, simple truth is that I just can't swing that right now so Dennis @dennisking and Ryan @ryan1990 , this time you be my huckleberry's and I'm done gonna poke ya. Was already planning on sending a few things back to each of you, just decided to up the ante for 9K is all so hope you enjoy my meager and humble dog rockets! This ships out tomorrow and should land late this week worst case

Yes its that time, just about to trip over that 9K post mark so I figured that I would do something in my humble way to give back to a few people. There are already a few passes going around, and some contests etc so I figured I would be boring and just keep it simple with a set of twin boy bombs

One goes to a vet and one to a newbie, that way I keep true to the new and old of the boards and spread the love a bit. Truthfully there are at least a dozen or more extremely worthy brothers and sisters that I would love to hit, simple truth is that I just can't swing that right now so Dennis @dennisking and Ryan @ryan1990 , this time you be my huckleberry's and I'm done gonna poke ya. Was already planning on sending a few things back to each of you, just decided to up the ante for 9K is all so hope you enjoy my meager and humble dog rockets! This ships out tomorrow and should land late this week worst case

"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
My favorite cigar list here
Thanks to everyone for the congrats, heading out for a morning run then heading to the PO to pickup the large flat rates. Pics go up shortly and then later this morning mailed out!
5lbs 4.45oz 9534 6214 2642 6200 0004 08
5lbs 4.5oz 9534 6214 2642 6200 0004 22
Add in a bottle of Riunite and some sweet pillow shams and we're golden
Brett, here's to 9k posts and 9k more to come. Love ya bud.
I see @dennisking has already posted Fat Man. Since apologies that it has taken me so long to post Little Boy. (Er, Not-so-Little Boy...) The thing is, it's pretty tough to type when your fingers are scattered all over the yard.
Above and beyond, my friend. You are an outstanding BOTL and I can't believe your kindness.
The clock, the Shuriken cutter, and the very special wine completely caught me off guard, and I just can't believe the fine sticks you sent over! Truly a class act, Brother. I'm excited to say I haven't tried most of these, and each one makes me salivate when I look at it.
The Bolivar BF and the wine really tug at my heartstrings, buddy. I'm truly floored and honored.
Congrats on 9,000 and - as Dennis put it perfectly - here's to 9,000 more!
"I ain't got no Opus's"
LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
2016 Gang War (South)
May I assss u a ?