Herfador Fix

So the old reliable 15ct herfador bit the dust and had one of the snaps bust off. Tried JB Welding it back on but no luck and didn't want to toss it so but of thinking and a bit of redneck engineering and I was able to use a sheet metal screw to secure it quite well back together. Latch still opens and closes and it's an airtight seal again woohoo! Going to take the air grinder and remove the head to keep it lower profile but have to make it to Pops' place to do that, next visit I'm sure.


"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
Does it go all the way through the lid? Pop rivet would work well and low profile.
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@Yakster thanks man
@LiquidChaos66 yeah same thing happened to me Chris.
The new white stuff dries quicker if you dampen the surfaces to be glued first. And it doesn't expand and ooze glue foam all over the place. And, best of all, it'll stick to damned near anything. I love it.
You do still have it, right? ROFL!
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.