
Yakster sent a fistful of 85% Bovedas. Groucho stowed away.

No, but, seriously, is this really a thing, in this day and age, this die that came out of a silly putty egg?

Who plays this game? A bomb game? Yer kiddin me. Roll the dice & see if your bomb exploded?
A rotating colony of Obomba's finest "widows and orphans" down round the corner from us in a drab house with windows all obscured. Couple of burkha clad ghosts, you see from time to time; but mostly an ever-changing cast of young men moving in and out of the place, loafing on the stoop. There's a super sized cargo van parked out front. Wonder what for. I'll walk this game down to their place. Perhaps they'll know what to do with it. Or I can hand it to the two fellers setting in the four door sedan with scrubbed tires parked across from the place. Tell 'em I found it in my mailbox.
Quattros are good. Bats are terrific. Thankster Yaks

No, but, seriously, is this really a thing, in this day and age, this die that came out of a silly putty egg?

Who plays this game? A bomb game? Yer kiddin me. Roll the dice & see if your bomb exploded?
A rotating colony of Obomba's finest "widows and orphans" down round the corner from us in a drab house with windows all obscured. Couple of burkha clad ghosts, you see from time to time; but mostly an ever-changing cast of young men moving in and out of the place, loafing on the stoop. There's a super sized cargo van parked out front. Wonder what for. I'll walk this game down to their place. Perhaps they'll know what to do with it. Or I can hand it to the two fellers setting in the four door sedan with scrubbed tires parked across from the place. Tell 'em I found it in my mailbox.
Quattros are good. Bats are terrific. Thankster Yaks
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
Except I'm holding on to the die bomb. Priceless.