"I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form." -- Winston Churchill "LET'S GO FRANCIS" Peter
“Nobody chooses where they’re from,” they sing in their first song “No Handle,” released Monday. It’s a nod to eking out an existence in West Texas, where the desolation and heat can “drive you to drink or it could drive you to think that flat-earthers know something after all,” goes a lyric sung by Green.
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“Nobody chooses where they’re from,” they sing in their first song “No Handle,” released Monday. It’s a nod to eking out an existence in West Texas, where the desolation and heat can “drive you to drink or it could drive you to think that flat-earthers know something after all,” goes a lyric sung by Green.
“Nobody chooses where they’re from,” they sing in their first song “No Handle,” released Monday. It’s a nod to eking out an existence in West Texas, where the desolation and heat can “drive you to drink or it could drive you to think that flat-earthers know something after all,” goes a lyric sung by Green.
In West Texas if you have a baby carrot you are good.
I must say, this is the greatest thread to ever appear on the forum. Just went through the whole thing again and was lmao
"I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form." -- Winston Churchill "LET'S GO FRANCIS" Peter
that's the danger of memes made by people who are misinformed. Here's the actual map of the earth; you can see that it is entirely possible for Japan to bomb Hawaii:
I worry about climate change: if that rim of antarctic ice around the earth melts all the water will fall off the edges. Talk about a doomsday scenario!!!!
@silvermouse said:
that's the danger of memes made by people who are misinformed. Here's the actual map of the earth; you can see that it is entirely possible for Japan to bomb Hawaii:
-- Winston Churchill
RIP Mad Mike
This explains a lot
test. looks like they reverted the forum. This really sucks. All you guys complained about it not working, well it worked fine, and now...this.
Will COVID-19 kill off flat Earthism once and for all?
apparently not.
In West Texas if you have a baby carrot you are good.
This explains a lot...
Flat Eathers live lol, and so does this thread apparently lol
Conjoined Flat Eath?
Tectonic shift.
I must say, this is the greatest thread to ever appear on the forum. Just went through the whole thing again and was lmao
-- Winston Churchill
I'm going to agree with @Usaf06 based off this meme alone
that's the danger of memes made by people who are misinformed. Here's the actual map of the earth; you can see that it is entirely possible for Japan to bomb Hawaii:
How a compass works. Now it all makes sense. I'm a believer!
I worry about climate change: if that rim of antarctic ice around the earth melts all the water will fall off the edges. Talk about a doomsday scenario!!!!
All i can think is,
Wow, that's a small nipple