Texas put Trump over.

Funny how the State bordering Mexico put him over. Is it a sign of things to come? I sell to restaurants that have both legal and questionable legal employee. I believe all unauthorized U.S. occupants should be legalized and pay their fair share of state, federal, Social Security, Taxes. Just like me.
Get a grip, dummies. Illegal means illegal. All you bleeding hearts who think we should just let them stay and automatically become legal need to have your heads examined.
BTW, this comment isn't necessarily directed to you, @Dark_Roast, it's aimed at the folks who think as I've outlined...
Do we give those people their money back? Do we tell them sorry, but if you'd have entered illegally, we would have just given you citizenship?
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
If he went through channels then I'm all for him. If some liberal decided 'Aw, we'll let you stay 'cause you seem so oppressed' then I call foul....
There ya go, it did happen I had always just taken this guys story as fact, kinda restores your faith in humanity, somebody didnt just bs me
The law criminalized the act of engaging in a "pattern or practice" of knowingly hiring an "unauthorized alien"[3] and established financial and other penalties for those employing illegal immigrants under the theory that low prospects for employment would reduce undocumented immigration. Regulations promulgated under the Act introduced the I-9 form to ensure that all employees presented documentary proof of their legal eligibility to accept employment in the United States.[4]
These sanctions would apply only to employers that had more than three employees and did not make a sufficient effort to determine the legal status of their workers.
Threadjack Alert, have probably crossed that threshold already,
Is everybody OK with the State Dept. giving away visas to countries they feel would make us more diverse.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
"I ain't got no Opus's"
LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
2016 Gang War (South)
May I assss u a ?