Finally a day with no tears

We had some good friends that made sure she was able to watch it on Facebook live. Then after the wedding we headed over to the hospital and they redid their vows and the preacher signed the marriage certificate in Carla's hospital room.
Not as good as being there but she was so happy for a change. The videos are on my FB page. And I wanted to share a little more good news Carla was able to wiggle her fingers today. Still cant move her arm or leg but it's something. So today was a good day.
So here I am sitting on the back porch with one of my favorite smokes ever. I'll take any victory I can get these days.
"Dear Lord God of Heaven I lift up Ricky and Carly to you wrap them in your loving and healing arms, give them strength and courage, bless them only as you can. In the blessed holy name of Jesus, Amen"
Wiggling fingers is such a good sign, so small and so huge.
My thoughts and wishes going your way. If there is anything I can do don't hesitate to let me know.