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Hate for Obama

dirtdudedirtdude Posts: 5,886 ✭✭✭✭✭
OK, I'll bite, don't really hate the man, came in under difficult circumstances and made our country...... fill in the blank
A little dirt never hurt


  • miller65rodmiller65rod Posts: 3,630 ✭✭✭✭✭
    "Alternative Facts"
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  • Diver43Diver43 Posts: 2,169 ✭✭✭✭✭

    How can I hate someone that I have never even met?

    I can however disagree, dislike, vote against his politics which I did during his entire two terms.

    Whoever it was that said he made our Military strong, I have to ask what koolaid they were drinking. I served and have worked as a civilian for the Military most of my adult life. I see every single day the cut backs and draw down that has happened.

    If the American people actually knew the numbers of good men and woman being forced out of the Military today they would be appalled. I also have issues with him never once stepping up and attempting to defuse the racial tensions in America. Never once mentioned that the media was feeding the masses false information, and don't even get me going on issues like Fast and Furious and Benghazi that happened under his watch.

    Logistics cannot win a war, but its absence or inadequacy can cause defeat. FM100-5
  • Rockethead26Rockethead26 Posts: 296 ✭✭✭✭
    Sorry, but most of the cuts to the military were due to Congress' inability to pass a budget which led to sequestration and automatic budget cuts across the board back in 2013. That one is on Congress, not the President. Obama also pulled troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan as he promised to do if elected. The majority of Americans were not happy with our presence in either of those wars. He did what he said he would do. The time table took longer because once you become President of this country you are privy to facts and situations that the rest of us aren't. Plans change all the time. The world is a complicated, fast moving and dangerous place.

    As to racial tensions, did you ever listen the Obama actually speak? His one consistent message was to tell everyone in the country, black, white or brown, Catholic, Jew, Muslim, Protestant, that we are all in this together. I don't know what you were hearing, but it wasn't Obama.

    Compare Obama's conciliatory language and message of hope to the current President's words leading in the opposite direction.

    As to the media, no President has control over it. There has always been and always will be misinformation and propaganda put out my certain parts of the media. It's up to the individual to fact check across multiple sources, not just the ones who think like you do. Too many people today parrot what they hear on their favorite news station without looking at both sides of the argument.

    Lastly, I don't think any of us civilians know all of the facts and time lines on Benghazi to say that it was handled wrong. Did it go bad, yes. Did people act properly according to the facts they had at hand and any given moment? I don't know for sure. Do you?

    As Obama said in his last speech, if you aren't happy with the way things are, grab a clipboard and run for office.
    Life is good, don't waste it.
  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    IIRC, a clipboard was about all the experience and background the man possessed when he was elected. I wouldn't classify a community organizer as a heavy-duty politician. 

    But, hey, that clipboard got him beaucoup bucks, perks, and his nose in the public trough for eight years.  Plus a lifetime salary, if my source is correct Thank goodness he's gone. It coulda gotten much worse.....   B)
  • Diver43Diver43 Posts: 2,169 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sorry, but most of the cuts to the military were due to Congress' inability to pass a budget which led to sequestration and automatic budget cuts across the board back in 2013. That one is on Congress, not the President. Obama also pulled troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan as he promised to do if elected. The majority of Americans were not happy with our presence in either of those wars. He did what he said he would do. The time table took longer because once you become President of this country you are privy to facts and situations that the rest of us aren't. Plans change all the time. The world is a complicated, fast moving and dangerous place.

    As to racial tensions, did you ever listen the Obama actually speak? His one consistent message was to tell everyone in the country, black, white or brown, Catholic, Jew, Muslim, Protestant, that we are all in this together. I don't know what you were hearing, but it wasn't Obama.

    Compare Obama's conciliatory language and message of hope to the current President's words leading in the opposite direction.

    As to the media, no President has control over it. There has always been and always will be misinformation and propaganda put out my certain parts of the media. It's up to the individual to fact check across multiple sources, not just the ones who think like you do. Too many people today parrot what they hear on their favorite news station without looking at both sides of the argument.

    Lastly, I don't think any of us civilians know all of the facts and time lines on Benghazi to say that it was handled wrong. Did it go bad, yes. Did people act properly according to the facts they had at hand and any given moment? I don't know for sure. Do you?

    As Obama said in his last speech, if you aren't happy with the way things are, grab a clipboard and run for office.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, once again  the liberal media is being quoted.

    We obviously do not agree on the things the man did while in office and that is OK.

    We are in American after all. I will defend your right to disagree to the death.

    Being associated with DOD all of my adult life, 20 years active duty and now 17 as a civilian, I kind of know how it works and what has happened. All I can say is that I hope this new President takes better care of our Military than the last one. Most of America only sees what the media tells them, I live it and deal with it on a daily basis.

    Logistics cannot win a war, but its absence or inadequacy can cause defeat. FM100-5
  • Rockethead26Rockethead26 Posts: 296 ✭✭✭✭
    jlmarta said:
    IIRC, a clipboard was about all the experience and background the man possessed when he was elected. I wouldn't classify a community organizer as a heavy-duty politician. 

    But, hey, that clipboard got him beaucoup bucks, perks, and his nose in the public trough for eight years.  Plus a lifetime salary, if my source is correct Thank goodness he's gone. It coulda gotten much worse.....   B)
    The current president has a superior understanding of the world how? He understands business (sometimes) and knows about as much as Obama did when he took office on the rest. At least Obama knew how the majority of the world lives. Current President understands the 1%.
    Life is good, don't waste it.
  • Rockethead26Rockethead26 Posts: 296 ✭✭✭✭
    Diver43 said:

    Sorry to burst your bubble, once again  the liberal media is being quoted.

    We obviously do not agree on the things the man did while in office and that is OK.

    We are in American after all. I will defend your right to disagree to the death.

    Being associated with DOD all of my adult life, 20 years active duty and now 17 as a civilian, I kind of know how it works and what has happened. All I can say is that I hope this new President takes better care of our Military than the last one. Most of America only sees what the media tells them, I live it and deal with it on a daily basis.

    Yes, we'll agree to disagree, but I quoted no liberal news media. My understanding of the world comes from all kinds of media, both right, left and libertarian. I do not know what your position was in the DOD or in the military, but if that gave you access to classified documents the rest of us never see, you have a different view. Of course, that view is tainted by the conservative military establishment. We all have our biases.
    Life is good, don't waste it.
  • 0patience0patience Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't hate Obama.
    I disagreed with most of his decisions on things, that I knew about.
    ACA being at the top of the list. It was not a well thought out Act and while I'm not certain Trump can re-vamp it with any kind of efficiency, 
    There is a reason Old man Bush didn't even think of enacting stuff like that.
    And Clinton and Jr Bush probably didn't even give it consideration, as it was a huge expense and huge undertaking.

    In Fumo Pax
    Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.

    Wylaff said:
    Atmospheric pressure and crap.
  • Diver43Diver43 Posts: 2,169 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That tainted conservitive establishment  is who you will call to save you. How tainted can it be?
    Logistics cannot win a war, but its absence or inadequacy can cause defeat. FM100-5
  • Rockethead26Rockethead26 Posts: 296 ✭✭✭✭
    Sorry, but you're putting words in my mouth. I did not call the conservative military establishment "tainted". Show me where I said that. I just said that they have a different view, period.
    Life is good, don't waste it.
  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    All I am gonna say is "I am so glad to see him gone" and I will never forget "Benghazi". billary and obama are responsible for the deaths of four Americans all because billary.......whats the use. He is gone and hopefully so is the evil witch.
  • pelirrojopelirrojo Posts: 1,757 ✭✭✭
    Buzzwords, facts, reality!!! 

    Hey did you guys ever figure out who was disagreeing with all your posts? That was weird huh?  :D

  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,067 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hey Gordy :) bunch a extra political stuff on here lately. Erbody's stirred up lately for some reason.
  • Rockethead26Rockethead26 Posts: 296 ✭✭✭✭
    Sorry, but you're putting words in my mouth. I did not call the conservative military establishment "tainted". Show me where I said that. I just said that they have a different view, period.
    I take this one back and apologize. I actually forgot what I wrote. I did not mean tainted in a bad way, but rather as in another biased view of the world.
    Life is good, don't waste it.
  • Usaf06Usaf06 Posts: 11,590 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sorry, but you're putting words in my mouth. I did not call the conservative military establishment "tainted". Show me where I said that. I just said that they have a different view, period.
    I take this one back and apologize. I actually forgot what I wrote. I did not mean tainted in a bad way, but rather as in another biased view of the world.
    Aren't both side biased? I mean that's why we have sides right
    "I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form."
    -- Winston Churchill

    "LET'S GO FRANCIS"     Peter

  • Rockethead26Rockethead26 Posts: 296 ✭✭✭✭
    No argument there. What did you disagree with in my first post. Was anything I said inaccurate?
    Life is good, don't waste it.
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