First Sign of Spring
It's snowing here with 5 inches and more expected. Saw a flock of Robins yesterday. Them birds are two weeks early as they usually don't show up till the middle of Feb. Starting to inventory last years seeds and make a order up for this year. It will be 55 degrees here in a couple of days. Spring is just around the corner.
of course now the temp is back well below freezing and looks to stay that way.
hopefully the bulbs aren't damaged too bad and we still get some spring flowers in a few months.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White
I have 4 Blue Spruces beside my house, around April they turn into a chirping concert hall from 5 am till dusk. Sparrows have already started to sing again in the tops of the Spruces and they are early as well.
Seems to me Spring is coming early in many parts. Once I see the Cranes flying North it will be confirmed for me.
"I ain't got no Opus's"
LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
2016 Gang War (South)
May I assss u a ?
Thank you to @Smoothsticks for the Immaculata, have not had one in a while and it was great. Like a conversation with an old friend. The Partagas was from an unknown bomber at the herf ( Luke I think, that weekend is still blurry!).
83 for the first round of the year. Me happy!
There are a couple problems with feeding birds, though. Firstly, they're ungrateful little wretches. They make an unholy mess below the feeder on the ground. And they poop anywhere and everywhere.
But the absolute worst part is that the feeders attract bluejays. And there's not a more despicable SOB in the bird world than a bluejay. If a bluejay can't eat it or doesn't like it, they'll scatter it all on the ground or chase away any other birds that would happily eat it. They're the 'dog in the manger' of birds.
Worse yet, the bluejays chased away every mockingbird in a ten mile radius (I'm guessing) and the only way to get them back is to put out feeders and start the whole process all over again. My only alternative is an accurate air rifle....
Sooooo, I don't feed the little bastiges any more....
Came home, first thing I did was source some one way witness glass, made a bird window on the North side of the garage, and we set bird feeders there. Same type deal ... you can put your nose right on the glass, them pecking the other side, they have no idea.
Anyhoo, my point is, the bluejays get too involved squabbling with the bluejay in the mirror to scatter your seed.
We like to watch the flickers and peckers and such not jabbing at suet blocks.
Pretty little jewels.
When i was a teen and a squirrel hunter, if the Blue Jays saw me they would let every squirrel in the woods know I was there. We have a feeder that shuts if anything that weighs more than a Cardinal gets on it so the Jays are resigned to scratching on the ground underneath. 18 degrees tonight and will be 60 in two days. Heard doves calling this afternoon.
It was a shame we had to do that. The feeders were about 8 feet from my patio where I smoked and the chickadees would come and perch on the arm of my chair when I was smoking. I missed that.
Bluejays, on the other hand, require a bunch of them being killed before they finally wise up.